7 Second Conflict Cure

communication connection fighting May 02, 2017

Does your relationship feel strained? Do you walk on eggshells afraid at what might trigger a fight?
Are you upset at how much your or your partner blow-up or, coverself, pull away?

You're going to learn a simple, fast technique that I guarnatee will ***10x*** the results of any communication with your partner.


The Danger

"Communication" itself, that is the words we use, will not, CANNOT improve or fix your relationship on thier their own.

Have you ever asked your spouse for something only to have them not follow through?
Have you tried talking with your parter about an upset only to experience a volcanic outburt or icy silence?


The Truth

We can't talk about something potentially upsetting, or make a request of someone, without first having a connection. A connection creates a platform, builds a bridge that lets your words, your requests, your emotions smoothly and safely drive over.

What would happen if you were sitting in your coffee shop and suddenly someone just started talking to you without introducing themselves or warming up in any way? Chances are you'd probably be on the defensive, maybe even a little annoyed, and you might actually wonder if they were a bit loopy. Why? Because they hand't built a connection first.

The Fix

Before having any difficult conversation with your spouse you need to hold their hand and look into their eyes for seven seconds. The first few times you try it make a point to count those seven seconds in your head because chances are that one or both of you will start feeling figety and try to pull away or look away after just a couple of seconds.

Hold hands and looking at each other for a FULL seven seconds gets you past the "casual/accidental" touch and makes it clear that you're being very intentional.

ALSO use this technique if you or your partner is already a bit upset you because it's very at helping you both calm down and re-connect.

Why it Works
Two words: neurology and chemistry.
Touch releases oxytocin, a powerful hormone responsible for emotional bodning which is also known as the "cuddle" or "love" hormone. Looking into each other's eyes also releases oxytocin. So, touching and looking into each other's eyes makes for a powerful one-two oxytocin stimulation.

Just think of playing with a baby's hand while looking into their eyes: chances are that the baby smiles and you start feeling pretty good yourself.


If your marriage (or relationship) feels like a battleground, if you're feeling disconnected, sad, unsupported, frustrated, or even trapped, there is a hope.

When you're ready to get help now, the Marriage Makeover program is designed to repair, renew and invigorate the love between you and your partner in 7 weeks or less with home-study videos, step-by-step exercises and weekly interactive calls.

If your relationship is in trouble join the next program here and start a new love together.
If your marriage (or relationship) feels like a battleground, if you're feeling disconnected, sad, unsupported, frustrated, or even trapped, there is a hope.

When you're read to get help now, the Marriage Makeover program is designed to repair, renew and invigorate the love between you and your partner in 7 weeks or less with home-study videos, step-by-step exercises and weekly interactive calls.

If your relationship is in trouble join the next program here and start a new love together.


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