Founder Fuel

No-BS tools, training and consulting.



Your need an ally

Are you procrastinating, confused, frustrated or overwhelmed trying to get your business to the next level?

Have you spent good money on expensive courses only to come up with something that isn't selling? (Or maybe you didn't even finish the class?)

Have you gotten lots of encouragement and support but not much "truth to power" feedback?

I'm your ally.

I help propel your coaching, consulting or wellness businesses to the next level.  

Because YOUR needs are very, VERY different (and frankly hella more FUN) than companies with several hundred or thousands of employees.

You don't need (and frankly don’t want to pay) a massive agency for branding, another for strategy, and yet another for help creating assets like digital courses, books and campaigns.

You DO need an ally who understands how to create and grow a service business so you can focus on doing what you LOVE and reap the rewards.


Success  =  BRAND  x  ASSETS  x  STRATEGY  

BRAND inspires sales, loyalty and referral by connecting so clearly and powerfully you become an instant part of your audience’s life.  You need a brand that’s authentic to you while standing out from the crowd.

ASSETS are everything you use for both sales, authority and generating interest; think books, online courses, and sales letters.  You need assets that will nurture prospects along the path from stranger to high-value client.

STRATEGY is how you generate interest, convert sales and grow.  You need a strategy to stay on track, and you need a strategy that's specific for YOUR personality and resources.

Wanna' taste?

Take the free five-day Crash Course and get powerful tools so you never get stopped again.

How we rock...

There are three ways to work with me to meet your needs and budget.

But here's the thing: I'm going to challenge you.  If you keep doing what you're doing you'll just get more of the same.  If you're open then we can literally explode your sales.

I have three ways of working with me briefly described below.  In each case I'll help you create a killer brand that seduces your clients like a siren on the rocks, then create a strategy and assets according to my unique Five-Question Rule.

"Proin nibh arcu, consectetur a odio nec, aliquet suscipit enim. Suspendisse aliquam, libero ac tincidunt suscipit, lacus quam commodo odio, nec faucibus arcu ante in odio. Proin ornare luctus massa, id hendrerit tellus auctor eu. Nullam eget egestas orci."

Job Title

Are we a match?

Can we agree that if you’re reading this then you already recognize that:

- you will benefit from the perspective of an outside expert, and

- you’ll need to change up a few things in order to reach your next level of success?

OK, good, now let’s get more specific!

Call To Action

An instruction to the audience to provoke an immediate response, usually using an imperative verb such as buy now, find out more or visit a store today.

Why should they choose YOU?
No, really.

Hard truth #1: no matter how special or unique you and your service are, as far as the prospect is concerned you just seem like one option in a sea of competitors.  Stand out or starve.

Hard truth #2: prospects don't care about your logo, tagline or whether your site uses serif or sans-serif fonts.  They DO care about your ability, connection and authenticity.

Hard truth #3: You've got to have a clear brand voice that powerfully speaks to your ideal customer, in their language and about their needs and dreams.

Hard truth #4: You better have an offer that makes sense for your prospects.  Too cheap and they won't value or trust you, too expensive and they'll pass you by (ESPECIALLY if you haven't established a "name" yet).

QUESTION: Are you ready to learn how it works?



50% Complete

Two Step

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