Struggling to get it all done?

Are you a time-starved, over-worked entrepreneur?

Are you juggling a family on top of your business?

Let me guess. 

You're exhausted.  Frustrated.  Never having enough time or energy for everything and everyone.

Squeezing in work during naps, calls getting interrupted by a screaming baby or unruly toddler, trying to work after everyone's asleep and it's finally quiet but straining to keep your eyes open...

Plus not having time for your S.O...

Feeling like you're always having to choose between between your family and your business, and no matter what you choose you lose.

Feeling like your business won't ever get off the ground.

And worst of all?  The guilt when you're away from your family, and the resentment when your business is going nowhere fast.

Trust me, I get it.  And it doesn't have to be that way.

How do I know?

Because I've released three online courses, two apps and a book while raising two young boys as a stay-at-home dad.

Life gets in the way

You need MORE than "productivity" training, because if it was as simple as a new system or planner you would have already done it.

Because getting it done and making it happen is the difference between being a "wanna-preneur" and an actual entrepreneur, between having a hobby that costs money and a fulfilling business that makes money.


There's a lot to juggle

Life gets in the way with family, partners, taking care of the home, maybe taking care of an aging parent, and especially if you're still working another job to pay the bill.  And that’s before you’ve seen friends or taken care of your health!

And when you're starting out you have to add in learning "how" to do everything on top of actually creating your offer.  And your marketing.  And wrestling with the technology.  Oh, and somewhere actually serving your clients.

You might have gotten yourself motivated and in gear from a seminar or course, but tell me: how long did it last?  If you’re here right now then it didn’t last long enough because you’re not where you want to be, you’re not where you need to be, and you’re not where you DESERVE to be.

Let me teach and coach you through everything, and I mean everything I know to handle lack of time, procrastination, inefficiency, overwhelm, and distraction.

Join me in "Make It Happen" and learn how to manage your time, energy and psychology so you can build your business and take care of your family without going insane.


"Guy was seriously invaluable helping me through a really tough time in my business. I was overwhelmed with patent submissions, factory interviews and grant applications, and spending more and more time dreaming about running away from it all. He taught me exercises that immediately helped me quiet the overwhelm and give me motivation when I needed it. He knows his stuff, work with him if you can."

Melissa Holtz
Founder, Magic Bag

"Guy is a truly gifted coach and whip-smart, and as a neuroscientist I can tell you that he has the skills to help you overcome whatever is in your way. Plus, his experience in business and skills as a teacher make him especially valuable to entrepreneurs and executives."

Josh Davis, PhD
Director of Research and Lead Professor for the NeuroLeadership Institute,

"Guyā€™s the best! I was in TOTAL overwhelm trying to build my business while taking care of a new baby and constantly fighting with my husband, and just kept feeling like a failure, beating myself up and wanting to quit. Guy helped me find my center, regain my motivation and even gave me amazing advice thatā€™s helped our marriage!"

Founder, Put ka Sebi

I’ve Been There

Most of my life has been spent handling intense stress and overwhelm, from carrying an insane amount of college credits while working AND commuting to being a rising tech hot-shot in my 20’s to now, juggling being a solopreneur while taking care of two young kids and helping with elder-care for my mom.

But I didn’t mention how I hit a wall by the time I was 30 and nearly lost everything (and I mean everything).  I was running so fast, trying to do so much, that "powering through" began to work against me.

I had trouble sleeping and often just stared blankly at the computer, forgetting what I was working.

My teams had more and more problems working with me.  I even started drinking at my desk during the day, partly to shock me awake and partly to numb the pain.  I was becoming less and less effective.

That once-bright star was starting to dim and my career was in serious danger.

What changed between then and now?  The short answer is learning some ninja-like moves that introduced elegance to my prior brute-force approaches. 

Combining both sets of skills of skills, the yin and the yang, allows me to get an amazing amount done while staying sane, avoiding burnout, and taking care of myself.

Now I want to teach you everything I’ve learned as well as techniques I’ve personally developed.  Everything from NLP tricks to make the most difficult-seeming tasks easy to approach, to efficiency hacks, to how to dig deep and find the grit, courage and energy to see a big project trough to the finish line (especially when you feel like giving up).

Even how to deal with ADD and “shiny object syndrome”.



It's time to get off the wagon of overwhelm, confusion and procrastination and make it happen.  

It's time to break through resistance, make consistent progress, amplify your achievements and wake up psyched knowing that you're making it happen.

Make it happen for your clients, make it happen for your family and make it happen for yourself.

I’ve put everything I know into this course, and I want to welcome you to my “Make It Happen Masterclass”! 


Make It Happen!

Over six weeks you will:

How to Find Time When You Don’t Have Any

Find an additional one, three, even five or more hours in your day (without giving up sleep!)  One of the biggest problems today is just finding the time to get things done, especially if (like me) you’ve got kids to take care of and a house to manage!  Learn secrets from the busiest executives on expanding time, stacking, prioritization and scheduling.


How to Stop Avoiding

Procrastination isn't laziness, its avoidance.  

Discover and harness the strength of your deepest drives and patterns, reprogram your beliefs of what’s possible, and leverage pain and pleasure to breakthrough any resistance and get it done!


How to 2x, 5x, even 10x Your Productivity 

With so much to do you’ve got to be as efficient as possible.  Learn how to “wash your mind”, chunk, and leverage technology to cut through your to-do's like a hot knife through butter.


How to Overcome Overwhelm

When you’re up to a lot overwhelm is always just around the corner.  This module will teach you how to organize, delegate and dismiss to keep yourself sane.  You’ll even learn a powerful Qi Gong exercise that will help you feel centered and calm in an instant!


How to Focus and Finish (even when you want to give up)

It doesn't matter how well you start or how hard you work if you fail to finish.

Learn how to beat the Big-3 “completion killers”: exhaustion, perfectionism, and shiny-object syndrome.

Sign up today & get EXTRA bonuses from Guy!


Personal coaching and feedback

($97 Value)

As a member of my private online group you can ask questions and I'll personally answer them!  

Plus you can interact with the group for networking and support.

Claim Bonus


Marriage Magic

($197 Value)

Starting and running a business puts unique pressures on your relationship.  Learn how to make sure the two of you stay friends, partners and lovers through the long days, stress, and money crunches.

Claim Bonus


1:1 Coaching

($297 Value)

One full-length 1:1 session where you can ask any questions, get help with any exercises, and receive my personal suggestions and guidance based on your personal resources, strengths and challenges.

Claim Bonus

This is YOUR Time


Creating a business is practically a miracle; doing it when you're also juggling a relationship, a job and maybe even a kid is nearly impossible.  But only nearly.

You need tools, techniques and strategies to handle the breakdowns EVERY entrepreneur faces: procrastination, confusion and overwhelm.

This course is an investment in going from "wanna-preneur" to actual entrepreneur.

And I'm so confident you'll love it that I back it up with a full 30-day money back guarantee.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you are unhappy with this program, notify us within 30 days of your purchase and you'll get a full refund!

Get Started Today!



Make It Happen

1:1 Coaching Session

Breakdown Emergency Toolkit

Marriage Magic

Private Online Coaching Forum


Guy Ardito  MS CMC

Member Forbes Coaches Council

Built three different service businesses

IPO in 1999

20+ years coaching experience

Certified Master Coach - RMT Training

Certified Breakthrough Specialist - Anthony Robbins

Certified NLP Master Practitoner - NY Center for NLP

Graduate High Performance Academy - Brendon Burchard

Made it this far?

Be honest with yourself: do you REALLY want to cross the finish line?
Don't let this be ANOTHER thing that you put off. The solution is right here. Make It Happen.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies.

What we can guarantee is your satisfaction; we give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. 

As for legalese, let’s keep this simple: don't think you're guaranteed to make money easily or at all, consult professionals before starting/operating businesses, understand there is risk in being an entrepreneur, etc.

We hold ourselves (and you) to an incredibly high standard of integrity. That's why we also put our disclaimers on all our pages, why we give you our contact information for any questions, and why we give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Thanks for stopping by. 

Until next time, make it happen!


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